Sunday, May 1, 2011

April's Gone

Busy month, mainly with fishing related things to do.  The MSU class ended yesterday with the class meeting at Roaring River.  As up and dingy as the water was most students managed to catch fish; the class did better than we expected under the conditions. Thursday the class was taken to Mountain Spring for an hour of catch and release fishing. We were able to discuss techniques with the students and show them how to play fish before our Roaring River trip.  Our 16 students caught at least 250 pounds of fish in their hour time.  After the fishing we tied a few flies until dark and then viewed a power point presentation of where to fish within a couple hours of Springfield.

Also spent a couple of evenings with the boys at GSBR.  We had boys in the age range of 14 to 18.  Tied flies and fished for about an hour on both evenings.  The boys caught bluegill, large mouth bass (one of about 15 inches) and crappie on ponds located on the ranch. We'll finish their classes this month.

Not too much fishing for myself, but the fact that we helped over 20 young people gain interest in the sport of flyfishing is great.  MTFA picked up some of the students as club members. I started to build my first flyrod. Still need more practice on my wraps before I put some on the rod. SMFF also did their semianual water monitoring of Crane Creek.  All in all a good month